We believe in a holistic approach to housing. We partner with local governments and private developers, using both public and private funding, to build high-quality, mixed income, multi-family developments in opportunity-rich areas and give our residents the tools to thrive.
Yes, in my backyard!
Traditional approaches to addressing housing needs do not work. They result in high concentrations of poverty that further divide communities by racial and socio-economic lines.
Affordable housing has been highly stigmatized by “Section 8” and public housing, which are often relegated to the most far-reaching and impoverished areas of town.
We believe people who live in mixed-income, opportunity-rich areas have a greater chance of thriving.
We have several projects in various stages of development that will generate over 966 housing units in areas where they’re needed most.
The Hayden
300 Apartments
Mixed income with over half of the apartments reserved as affordable housing.
Features units reserved for individuals and families making less than 80% of the area median income.
Dallas, Texas
The Caroline
340 Apartments
Mixed income with over half of the apartments reserved as affordable housing.
Features units reserved for individuals and families making less than 80% and 60% of the area median income.
Dallas, Texas
Tobias Place
291 Apartments
100% affordable housing.
Features units reserved for individuals and families making less than 60% and 30% of the area median income.
Fort Worth, Texas