The “Missing Middle”

Given the extremely high cost of living in our area, nurses, teachers, police officers, childcare providers, and retail workers cannot find stable housing for their families, and they are often left behind by traditional affordable housing solutions, which target the extreme low-end.

In the U.S., housing solutions are based on an area’s median income, which is set by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The area median income for a family of four in Dallas County in 2021 was $89,000.

In This House focuses on housing solutions for working individuals and families that make between $37,000 and $71,200 a year.

Why the missing middle needs help.

The disparity between income and housing costs is at an all-time high. Simply put, many working individuals or families cannot afford stable housing, especially in close proximity to where their jobs are needed most.

Dallas needs 20,000 affordable homes to meet current demands. Click here to view Dallas’ Comprehensive Housing Plan.

These jobs are vital to the health of our community, and these hard-working individuals and families deserve a quality place to live within it.